Sharing Some Tips for Newer Teachers from Our Latest Book: Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom (2022)

Sharing Some Tips for Newer Teachers from Our Latest Book: Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom (2022)

Check out our short video giving tips (from our book) for starting the year off on the right foot to creating that dynamic classroom! Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom is hot off the press.…/answers-to-your…/book279006 (Also avail on Amazon)

[Serena Pariser on BAM! Radio Show: 10 minute episode] Teaching Middle Schoolers in 2022: What Still Works and What Rarely Does

[Serena Pariser on BAM! Radio Show: 10 minute episode] Teaching Middle Schoolers in 2022: What Still Works and What Rarely Does

Have you ever considered teaching middle school? Are you a current middle school teacher or administrator? I was invited to the BAM! radio show to talk about everything middle school. This is one of my favorite topics to talk about, as middle school is often misunderstood.

Larry Ferlazzo: It’s All About Relationships

Larry Ferlazzo: It’s All About Relationships

As we start to close down our virtual classrooms and head into summer this article by Larry Ferlazzo is every so important. I was invited to contribute to this much needed article highlighting the importance of relationships. As we head into summer and start thinking about next year, there are things we can do to proactively set ourselves up to be ready to have strong relationships with that enhance the learning, decrease disruptive behaviors, and overall give you more time to teach in a classroom. Read the full article here.