by Serena Pariser | Oct 4, 2022 | Classroom, classroom management, Teacher, Teaching Responsiblities
Check out our short video giving tips (from our book) for starting the year off on the right foot to creating that dynamic classroom! Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom is hot off the press.…/answers-to-your…/book279006 (Also avail on Amazon)
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by Serena Pariser | Jul 21, 2022 | Teacher, work conflict, worker conflict
Here’s another article I wrote for Corwin Connect timed perfectly with the launch of my third book, Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom. This is just one of the many questions that is answered in the book to support teachers in creating a cultivating a positive and dynamic classroom.
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by Serena Pariser | Jan 23, 2022 | Best Practices, Classroom, classroom management, engagement, middle school, Teacher, Teaching, Time Management
Have you ever considered teaching middle school? Are you a current middle school teacher or administrator? I was invited to the BAM! radio show to talk about everything middle school. This is one of my favorite topics to talk about, as middle school is often misunderstood.
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by Serena Pariser | Mar 23, 2019 | Best Practices, classroom management, Teacher
Here is a podcast I did with Arizona K-12 Center to give practical tips to beginning a school year with engagement and connection. This information is so helpful for any teacher about to start a new school year. Happy listening!
Season 4: Episode 2: Beginning the School Year Successfully (#23)
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by Serena Pariser | Dec 23, 2014 | Best Practices, Classroom, classroom conflict, Teacher, Teaching
The students in our classrooms are together 187 days a year for multiples hours each day. There will be disagreements, minor conflicts and passive aggression. Unfortunately, sometimes a particular class falls off the deep end and the hostility and negativity starts to overtake the content.
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