Sharing Some Tips for Newer Teachers from Our Latest Book: Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom (2022)

Sharing Some Tips for Newer Teachers from Our Latest Book: Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom (2022)

Check out our short video giving tips (from our book) for starting the year off on the right foot to creating that dynamic classroom! Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom is hot off the press.…/answers-to-your…/book279006 (Also avail on Amazon)

My article published in Smartblogs: Priority for Schools in 2016: Character Education to Prevent Bullying

My article published in Smartblogs: Priority for Schools in 2016: Character Education to Prevent Bullying

Every year we come back from our winter break with fresh ideas and new perspectives for our schools and classrooms. Although one of the biggest issues facing schools, we still do not have a universal answer to bullying prevention — perhaps until now. As a teacher for 10 years, the sad truth is that it was inevitable that I would witness bullying.

Standardized Testing: These 4 Slight Adjustments Could Actually Make a Big Difference: by Serena Pariser

Standardized Testing: These 4 Slight Adjustments Could Actually Make a Big Difference: by Serena Pariser

In most schools, the students take at least one standardized test teach year, if not more. One of the most frustrating aspects about standardized tests is that often students have a difficult time putting all of their brainpower into a test made by strangers a.k.a. Common Core gods or the state, however many times the scores are a measure of your performance as a teacher. How many times have you heard the question, “Does this count for our grade?” If you reply no, forget about any motivation. If you answer yes, you are flat out lying.