Sharing Some Tips for Newer Teachers from Our Latest Book: Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom (2022)

Sharing Some Tips for Newer Teachers from Our Latest Book: Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom (2022)

Check out our short video giving tips (from our book) for starting the year off on the right foot to creating that dynamic classroom! Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom is hot off the press.…/answers-to-your…/book279006 (Also avail on Amazon)

[Serena Pariser on BAM! Radio Show: 10 minute episode] Teaching Middle Schoolers in 2022: What Still Works and What Rarely Does

[Serena Pariser on BAM! Radio Show: 10 minute episode] Teaching Middle Schoolers in 2022: What Still Works and What Rarely Does

Have you ever considered teaching middle school? Are you a current middle school teacher or administrator? I was invited to the BAM! radio show to talk about everything middle school. This is one of my favorite topics to talk about, as middle school is often misunderstood.

Meet my Coauthor: A Quick Interview with Ed

Meet my Coauthor: A Quick Interview with Ed

I wanted to take a second to talk about my second book Real Talk About Time Management: 35 Best Practice for Educators. For this book, I worked in collaboration with Dr. Edward DeRoche. So, who is Ed and why did decide to collaborate? Let me explain.
Ed is a time management B-O-S-S. He’s been a teacher, a principal, a Dean of the College of Education at University of San Diego,  and has won the Sanford Lifetime Achievement Award for Character Education.

My Guest Post: Let Students Make Mistakes (A 4 minute read)

My Guest Post: Let Students Make Mistakes (A 4 minute read)

Can you think of a time in school when you made a mistake? Was it a learning experience or just humiliating? The title of this blog may make some of you cringe, recalling some of your biggest mistakes in your own classroom experiences. Allowing for mistakes to be made is much different from how many of us were taught growing up.

Students Speak Out: Why Do We Like Some Teachers and Not Others? (caution: sensitive material): A 4 minute read

Students Speak Out: Why Do We Like Some Teachers and Not Others? (caution: sensitive material): A 4 minute read

Teaching is difficult. Excellent teaching is even harder. Building a strong connection with students, along with pedagogy, best practices…and sometimes a magic wand, is the foundation to any lasting teaching. During my first few years teaching, it bothered me that some students just didn’t seem to like me.